Plan and manage roadworks information

This is the documentation for the service Plan and manage roadworks. Here, you can find important documentation to help you use Street Manager.

Useful links

Useful documents

Service roadmap

Explore Street Manager’s scope, and find out when service features are coming online.

Business change

Navigate the process of organisational change with the help of our transition guidance, training packs and change management best practice materials, tools and pre-populated templates.


Get into the detail of how to onboard yourself and your organisation.

Business rules

Understand the logic and rules of the Street Manager service.

API documentation

Guidance for developers integrating their systems with Street Manager so they can submit and retrieve information about street works.

Open data overview

Guidance for developers subscribing to open data published by Street Manager to retrieve information about street works.

API notifications overview

Guidance for developers subscribing to events published by Street Manager to retrieve information about street works.

Release Calendar

The release calendar for Production and Sandbox releases.

Service Availability

List of all known occurrences of any disruptions to service availability.


Explore the service’s newsletter and communications archive to follow our journey.

What to do if the service is down

In case of a Street Manager service outage, please follow our  offline guidance.

NOTE: This documentation is being trialed for use with the Street Manager Beta, it is not in final state and should not be taken as production documentation.