How to add an article

  1. Go to the /admin page of the site (note: this is only available on the CMS version of the site and only usable for authorised GitHub users) - you will need to login via GitHub and authorise the CMS Application to use your account
  2. Click “New Article” button (or click existing article to edit)
  3. Set the Title for the article (this must be unique)
  4. Add content for the article using the Rich Text controls
  5. Click “Save” in the top left to save the unpublished article
  6. Optionally after saving you can wait a minute and click the “Check for preview” link and click again to view a preview version of the site with your change before it is published, go to /articles of the preview to get a link to the page
  7. Ask someone to review your changes by going to the /admin page to view the unpublished article and setting the status using the control in the top right to ready
  8. When your article is ready, click the “Publish” button in the top right, once finished this will add your article to /articles list and available to link on the main site


Editor controls

Content examples

Below are examples of the content produced by the controls markdown, use this to see how things will appear if you use the Rich Text editor.

Example H1

Example H2

This is a block of text

This is an example bullet list

This is an example numbered list

  1. Numbered item 1
  2. Numbered item 2
    1. sub-item 2-1
    2. sub-item 2-2


This is a quote.

Code block:

print("code block")

Code statement: print("code line")

This is a paragraph with a link back to home.

This is a paragraph with bold and italic text.

Below is an uploaded image:

govuk crest

Images will appear on separate lines.

Custom elements

You can use switch from “Rich Text” to “Markdown” mode to see the raw Markdown created by the editor, this allows you to manually add special classes to elements or raw HTML from the govuk design-system.

Example - Lead paragraph:

This is a lead paragraph created by manually adding a special class
{: .govuk-body-l}

This is a lead paragraph created by manually adding a special class

Example - Summary list:

<dl class="govuk-summary-list">
  <div class="govuk-summary-list__row">
    <dt class="govuk-summary-list__key">
    <dd class="govuk-summary-list__value">
      Sarah Philips
  <div class="govuk-summary-list__row">
    <dt class="govuk-summary-list__key">
      Date of birth
    <dd class="govuk-summary-list__value">
      5 January 1978
Sarah Philips
Date of birth
5 January 1978

Example - Table:

Caption explaining your table
Name Reference
John Smith 12345
Jane Bloggs 54321
Adam Ant 11111

This is a table added using raw HTML based on design system examples.