About the service - Business rules

Version 2.01 (Released 14/01/2025)


© Crown copyright 2025, except where otherwise stated.

1.1. General rules and validation

(Previously section 1 in Business rules v1.x)

1.1.1. Numbers

All numbers within Street Manager system are non-negative.

1.1.2. Dates and times

Note: Street Manager receives bank holiday data from gov.uk up to the end of the following year, any works that extend beyond that will not be factoring in bank holidays. Date and time format

All dates and times must match the ISO 8601 standard date format.

See GOV.UK guidance for date-times https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/open-standards-for-government/date-times-and-time-stamps-standard Calendar days

Street Manager calculates calendar days based on a 24 hour clock.

For example, the Street Manager system would consider the time period Monday 01:00 to Tuesday 23:00 as 2 calendar days. Calendar month

Street Manager calculates a calendar month as 28 calendar days for the purpose of deeming and early start.

1.1.3. Coordinates

Coordinates must be a GeoJSON geometry (easting and northing pairs, using British National Grid / EPSG:27700 spatial reference).

Please observe the following, when obtaining and displaying coordinates using maps other than the one in Street Manager:

1.1.4. Unique Street Reference Number (USRN)

1.1.5. File uploads

1.1.6. Text character limits Username field

The max length for username fields is 50 characters. Single-line text fields

Max length is 100 characters.

These include: Multi-line text areas

Text areas for large comment fields are limited to the max length of 1500 characters.

All other text areas are limited to 500 characters. These include:

1.2. Workstreams

(Previously section 2 in Business rules v1.x)

The Street Manager system will, by default, create a workstream with the prefix of ‘000’ for every organisation. Before users start raising works in Street Manager (production), their organisation must set up their workstreams as PAA/PAs cannot be raised using the ‘000’ workstream.

When organisations set up their workstreams, they can choose to allocate numerical prefixes between 1 - 999. See works reference number (WRN) section for details on how the workstream prefix will be used when raising works.