Highway authority information - Business rules

Version 2.01 (Released 14/01/2025)


© Crown copyright 2025, except where otherwise stated.

3.1. Activities

3.1.1. Activity reference number

The activity reference number is generated in the following format: ARN- {SWA number} - {numerical suffix}

3.1.2. Activity statuses

Street Manager - Activity statuses A diagram of activity statuses

3.1.3. Managing activities

HAs may add activities for their organisation at any point. The activity types are as follows:

3.2. Section 58

Street Manager - S58 statuses A diagram of section 58 statuses

3.2.1 Propose Section 58

When creating a Section 58 (S58) the following information is required:

3.2.2 Update Section 58 to ‘in-force’

Once you have completed the works that will be subject to a Section 58 restriction you must update the status to ‘in force’.

When progressing the S58 to ‘in force’ the following information will be required:

Adding the restriction start date will update the restriction end date based on the restriction duration that was entered during the ‘proposal’ stage of the S58.

3.2.3 Cancelling Section 58

Highway Authorities can cancel a S58 during any of the following stages if it is no longer applicable:

3.2.4 Closing Section 58

Once a S58 has reached it’s restriction end date, this will be automatically closed. This will only apply to S58s created via the ‘Section 58 Restricted Works’ tile.

3.2.5 Viewing Section 58

Viewing the map where the street, authority, restriction information and status are displayed for all S58s that are in-force or proposed.

Viewing the list via the S58 tile will show all S58s that are proposed, in-force, closed or cancelled.

3.2.6 Historic Section 58

All S58s entered into the system as an activity before the dedicated S58 tile will still appear on the map but will not show on the list page. These S58s will show on the map if they are: proposed, in force, closed or cancelled.