Glossary - Business rules
Version 2.01 (Released 14/01/2025)
© Crown copyright 2025, except where otherwise stated.
6.1 External Glossaries
Useful resources containing Street-works-related glossary sections below:
- New Roads and Street Works Act (NRSWA): - GeoPlace glossary:
6.2 Street Manager Glossary
Term |
Definition |
Activity |
A record of a public event or highway license. Note: this is different to "Works activity" that is defined separately in this glossary. |
Change Request (CR) |
An application to amend (or a historical record of an amendment of) an existing PAA or Permit Application (PA). Related to what was previously known as "Works Data Alteration" |
A file format that stands for "Comma Separated Values". It is a plain text file that contains a list of data. Each line of the file is a data record. Each record consists of one or more fields, separated by commas. |
Designations |
Should be interpreted to mean Special Designations (except where otherwise qualified). See the GeoPlace glossary for the definition of Special Designation. |
Designations impacted |
The designations applicable to the works. This should be provided wherever a works is notified against a street where a designation exists and that designation applies to the application. This is especially important for some special designation codes including but not limited to Traffic Sensitive and Special Engineering Difficulty (SED). |
Failed - high |
A failed outcome of any inspection with higher risk inadequacies or defects causing danger. See the Code of Practice for Inspections for more information. |
Failed - low |
A failed outcome of any inspection with higher risk inadequacies or defects are not causing danger. See the Code of Practice for Inspections for more information. |
Final site registered |
An indicator to advise when no more sites will be registered for the latest PA. Related to what was previously known as "full registration" |
Forward plan |
A record containing information on a promoter's potential major road or street works that has been planned as part of their long-term programme. Previously known as "forward planning information". |
Geographic area |
An area within a HA organisation used to divide works and records geographically for HA users (such as permit officers or inspectors). |
Highway Authority (HA) |
As defined in sections 1 and 329 of the Highways Act. |
Historic / Historical works |
Works recorded and completed outside of Street Manager e.g. works recorded in EToN. |
Modification requested |
HA has requested for changes to be made on a PA. |
Minimum notice period |
The minimum period of notice to be given to the Highway Authority for street works. See the NRSWA for more information. |
Notifying Environmental health |
To advise if the works will generate noise on site outside of specified/restricted hours. The applicable types of works, noise and specified/restricted hours are as detailed in the Control of Pollution Act 1974 and/or as defined by the local authority (e.g. City of London). |
Provisional Advance Authorisation. The early provisional approval of activities in the highway. |
Primary notice authority |
The Highway Authority responsible for the coordination of Street Works on the specified street or part street. In the case of Private Streets this is the Local Highway Authority whose area covers the Private Street. |
Promoter / Works promoter / Promoter organisation |
Any organisation undertaking works on the Highway under a Statutory Undertakers Licence or a Highway Authorities Licence and working within the NRSWA / Traffic Management Act (TMA) legislative framework. |
Response period |
The maximum period that a Highway Authority has to respond to an application prior to the application deeming. |
Road type |
Synonym for "Reinstatement type code" (See NSG Type 62 record). Examples include Carriageway types (1, 2, 3, 4 & 0), High Duty Footway and Private Street. |
Working day |
As defined in the Glossary of the NRSWA. |
Works activity |
The reason for undertaking the works. Note: this is different to "Activity" that is defined separately in this glossary. |
Works record |
A repository of notifications (such as PAA/PAs, reinstatements, inspections and FPNs) and file attachments associated with a particular works. |
Works stop |
Notification used to indicate that the promoter is no longer occupying the highway. Serves the purposes of both the works clear and works closed notice described in the legislation. |
Workstream |
An area within a promoter or HA organisation used to divide works and records for planner users. Related to what were previously known as "operational districts". |